Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rotterdam City of Architecture 2007

The Kunsthal is one of 40 sites used and highlighted during Rotterdam 2007.

The mayor of Rotterdam and council members have proclaimed 2007 the Year, and Rotterdam The City of Architecture.
The program throughout the year includes exhibits, art auctions, presentations of artifacts, theatre and a home show. There will be a trade fair —Architect '07, cruises to view prospective home sites from the water, walking tours and the dedication of new buildings.

The third International Architecture Biennial titled "Power —Producing the Contemporary City" will take place at the Kunsthal from May 24 - September 2, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Rem Koolhaas Calls for Boycot

Building Design the British weekly for architects writes: "Rem Koolhaas has called on architecture’s superstars to join him in a campaign to overhaul the competition system, which he has condemned as “hideous” and a drain on resources and influence."

Shenshen Exchange SSE

Image: Office of Metropolitan Architecture.

OMA's second assignment in China houses the SSE. "The floor" of the stock exchange is elevated over a thus partially covered plaza with room for special events. Building of the complex will start at the end of 2007